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11th June 2023.
Survey pdf file links on the Data Tracking Facility have been updated.
This page was last updated June, 2020 and remains current.
Unless otherwise stated, the content and resources provided are protected by copyright. Copyright details can be read here.
An initial payment of $400 (includes gst) is required to access the content and resources on the website for the first 12 months. Annual renewal is $150 (includes gst). Renewal notices will be sent out via email and must be paid prior to the expiry of your account otherwise the account will be automatically ended. Reactivating an ended account will attract an initial payment again.
Cancellation and Refunds
Registrations and renewal fees are not refundable and cannot be transferred to another organisation.
Registrations allow any number of people (multiple users) within an organisation or school to access resources from the website. Registrations may not to be passed on to other individuals, schools, or another organisation If this occurs the account will be immediately terminated, without notice, and without refund. Legal action will result in order to protect our intellectual property and income.
Advertising guidelines, 'What's the Buzz?'
Whether you are part of a school, part of a private practice or a health professional in any capacity, we are highly supportive of you using 'What's the Buzz?' and are here to help.
It is, however, essential, ethically and legally, that our 'What's the Buzz?' banner and/or circular logos and/or the book covers are always openly displayed with any advertising and marketing materials (online and hard copy) related to, 'What's the Buzz?' These images may be taken from the accompanying PDF. For your convenience, the PDF contains images that can be effortlessly copied and have good resolution. We also insist that you do not create your own artwork as a quasi-version of our brand. 'What's the Buzz?' is our registered business brand, our trading name and we have worked hard to build it over the years. It is protected by copyright and we will actively pursuit breaches whether they are purposeful or accidental.
Finally, wherever our program is mentioned our names must be clearly acknowledged as the creators, authors and trainers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all 'What's the Buzz?' facilitators using their program around the world. Together, we are contributing to better mental health and social emotional literacy in young people around the globe.
Privacy Policy
'What's the Buzz?' will not give, trade, or sell any information collected from end-users to any outside companies or individuals. All information collected will be treated as strictly confidential.
Changes to TOS
'What's the Buzz?' reserves the right to update these terms of service at any time without prior notice.
To register for access to the 'What’s the Buzz?' website
Click here to use our PayPal facility
Or, simply contact Mark at